STEP 1. Choose Your Future Program

Choose your future

There are thousands of options to choose from when you start thinking about your future career and academic program correspondingly. Moreover, you need to decide which one is right for you. It is not an easy decision. Usually, majority of candidates already has some preferences on mind, but others struggle to make a final decision.

The first piece of advice from our company for you as a future student is to learn about yourself: your hard and soft skills, your interests and values, your talents and strong suits. Also, it is always good to think in advance about future income.

However, pay attention that some occupations fit you perfect while others are completely inappropriate. Of course, our company will help you to make a right decision. You are welcome to search a suitable program offered by the Ukrainian universities on our Programs page. We’ll be happy to help you make the best career choice from the onset on individual basis, just contact us!

Remember, the choice of a future career is not a decision that could be taken in a hurry without thorough consideration!


STEP 2. Prepare Your Documents for Admission

DocumentsOnce you are ready with the choice of your future career, we’ll find a suitable Ukrainian university for you taking into consideration your preferences and your initial data. Be sure we work closely with every single student and advise the best-fit universities within the students’ budget. After that, we’ll provide you with all the admission requirements and tuition costs. The most important thing at this stage is to prepare all the documents in a proper way and we are here to help you!

General List of the Required Documents is as Follows:

  • certificate of complete secondary education from the home country or abroad with the transcript of records – a legalized copy with the translation into Ukrainian, Russian or English, usually certified by the Ukrainian Embassy in your home country or a notary;
  • medical health certificate. It can be an original document in English or a notarized copy with the translation into Ukrainian, Russian or English;
  • scanned copy of the biographical page of your foreign passport;
  • age requirement: 18+;
  • passport sized photographs (3×4);
  • you do not need any language certificate if you enter a foundation language program, which prepares students for their future studies. And if you have knowledge of Ukrainian, Russian or English, sometimes Polish, you have a right to be admitted to the first course directly after a short interview with the admission team or after submitting relative language certificates.

STEP 3. Check the Dates: Intakes & Deadlines

According to the Ukrainian governmental regulations, students from abroad should arrive for studies at the Ukrainian universities in the period from August, 15 till November, 15.


Ukrainian Academic Year Usually is as Follows:

Semester 1: September, 1 – January, 20

Semester 2: February, 5 – July, 1

Winter holidays last two weeks: January, 21 – February, 4 (as a rule).

Summer holidays last two months: July, 2 – August, 31 (as a rule).

Preparatory foundation language program starts later, but usually no later than November, 15.

General Application Deadlines

Semester 1:
Application starts: February, 1

Application deadlines: October, 1 (extended deadline may apply)

Semester 2:
Application starts: September, 1

Application deadlines: February, 1

Please note: though all foreign students are welcome warmly to enter the Ukrainian university either in Semester 1 or Semester 2, all universities admit students to the first semester and only a limited number of academic programs is offered for the second semester intake. We encourage you to apply as soon as possible and we’ll be happy to organize an admission process for you within the deadlines in a shortest possible time.


STEP 4. Apply and Get Invitation Letter from the University

Letter from the UniversityWhen you are ready with the choice of your future profession, you have selected the university, found out about admission requirements and application deadlines, it is high time to apply. That is not an easy task for foreigners, as special conditions apply, but we are here to help you with everything, just feel free to fill in the application form on our website and attach available documents.

If your application is successful, you will receive an invitation letter to study. It is the main document for international students from any Ukrainian university. This document is not only a confirmation form the university that you are admitted to the degree program, but also it is the most important thing for your future visa application.

The university registers student’s passport details and information about study program at the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. Then the Ministry issues the invitation letter and forwards it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for further processing.

It is highly recommended to mind the dates and validity of invitation to study. Once issued, the invitation letter is valid for 180 days and you should apply for visa during this period but not later than 15 days prior to the expiry date. After getting your visa, you should not worry much about the validity of your invitation to study and travel to Ukraine even with the expired letter.


STEP 5. Get Your Study Visa

Study Visa

The last stage of arranging your future studies in Ukraine is applying for a student visa. Please note that this final stage is as much important as the application for admission to the university. You should be well prepared. You are always welcome to use our company services with this difficult task. If you have not applied for our help yet, just register now on our webpage Apply Now.

General list of the required documents is as follows:

  • foreign passport;
  • invitation letter from the chosen university and Ukrainian Ministry of Education;
  • birth certificate;
  • school / university certificates and its transcripts;
  • sponsorship letter and copy of the sponsor’s ID card;
  • Student’s or/and sponsor’s bank certificate with the account turnover statement. The minimum balance should cover applicant’s expenses for the first year tuition fee and living costs;
  • medical certificate, legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country. Pay attention that the validity of this document is 2 months only. A separate HIV/ AIDS Negative Certificate, legalized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country, is also required;
  • medical insurance policy with the period of validity for 3 months;
  • 16 passport sized photos 3×4.

STEP 6. Stay Up to Date with the Latest News

It is always good to be aware of what is going on. We are here to provide you with the latest useful information regarding application, admission and studies at the Ukrainian universities.

Due to COVID-19, entry deadlines for admission are extended at most Ukrainian universities even for Semester 1. New deadline is December, 15.

For more details please contact us directly via contact form  or stay up with the latest news on our News & Facts page.


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